Semiconductor Physics
- Polymer spin-coater
- Thermal evaporator for LED fabrication
- Coherent solid state laser (green)
- 77K DeWar
- 0.5m Imaging Spectrometer with photomultiplier and semiconductor detectors
- Lock-in amplifier
- Class 100 clean room
- Surface profiler
Ellipsometric Laser Tweezers
- Visible and Infrared lasers
- Inverted microscopes
- Nano-translation stages (3D)
- CCD cameras
- Manipulative optics
Photonics Infrastructure
- Coherent Modelocked Ti:Sapphire laser
- Solid state Nd:Vanadate laser
- Computer-controlled rotation stage reflectometer
- Various visible and near infrared lasers
- Tunable diode laser
Contact Us
Physics and Astronomy Department
WPS 219
(615) 898-2130